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HOME  > Clinic Information

Clinic Location:
The Clinic is located in Tjuntjuntjara across from Council Office.



The Spinifex Health Service is an Aboriginal Controlled Community Health Service.  It aims to provide a culturally appropriate and high-quality service to the Anangu community. 


The clinical team consists of Aboriginal Health Practitioners, Aboriginal Health Workers, Registered Nurses, a regular visiting GP, and other visiting clinical specialists and allied health professionals. 

The Clinic provides comprehensive primary health care services including.

  • Adult health and well-being checks

  • Child and baby health checks and Child health clinics

  • Immunisations

  • Chronic disease assessment, management and education

  • Pregnancy care

  • Sexual health checks and education

  • Health education

  • Illness and emergency care



This is a bulk billing service and all services from the clinic are free.   
Information on health services for staff or visitor is available in
the Community Orientation Booklets. 




Urgent Medical Attention:

If you believe you require urgent medical attention while at the clinic, please inform a staff member immediately.



Your personal health information is treated with respect and confidentiality at all times. 

Client files are stored electronically in a secure location.  For more details, please ask to see our Information security policy.

Urgent Medical Attention

If you believe you require urgent medical attention while at the clinic, please inform a staff member immediately.


Tjuntjuntjara Clinic does not have scheduled appointments.  People are seen in order of arrival at the clinic unless they are very unwell, or it is an emergency, and they require immediate care.  Medical advice will not be given in the waiting room and people will be seen one person at a time.

If you wish to have an escort, family member or friend present please inform staff.  If you wish to have an interpreter, please inform the nurse.


Doctors Clinics:

Regular GPs visits occur on the second week of each month.  A notice is placed on the notice board outside the clinic when the GPs are due to visit the community.

Outside scheduled doctor’s clinics, if clinic staff assess that your condition or on-going management requires medical input then they will contact the RFDS for medical advice.


Home Visits:

Palliative care and some elderly clients are eligible to receive home nursing visits.  Emergency home visits can also be provided for clients whose condition prevents them from attending the clinic.  These are arranged on a case-by-case basis by the treating nurse or Nurse On-Call.















Test Results:

Getting your test results is your responsibility.  Clients are encouraged to return to the clinic one week after any tests or specialist appointments to find out results.  If clinic staff think your results are urgent, we will try to find or contact you.  If you are not in the community, we will send the results to the health service of the community that you are in.

Telephone Consults

Nursing staff are able to talk to you about your health over the telephone and can provide basic advice.  If you are not in Tjuntjuntjara you are encouraged to attend the health service or see a doctor where you are.  Information provided over the phone will be documented in your medical records.


Your Rights:

If you have a concern, we would like to hear about it. 
You may like to write to us or talk to the Health Committee. 

All suggestions, concerns and complaints are treated with respect. 
If you are unhappy with our response to a complaint, you can contact:

The Health and Disability Services Complaints Office (HaDSCO)
GPO Box B61
Perth WA 6838

Complaints and enquiries line: (08) 6551 7600

Tjuntjuntjara Clinic is proudly NON-SMOKING



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