Spinifex Health Service operates a COMMUNITY HOME SUPPORT (CHSP) program funded by the Government of Western Australia, Department of Health. CHSP services respond to the needs of our Clients which include the elderly and community members living with a mental or physical disability over 50 years of aged. Services provided by CHSP enable the elderly and the disabled to continue living at home with the combined support and assistance from family and friends. Due to the daily contact with clients in their homes, CHSP staff can monitor the individual needs of clients and report or respond to any changes that have occurred to their living arrangements or health. CHSP and Health Clinic staff work in close liaison to provide current and comprehensive care to its valued clients.
We also run a home care program under the auspices of
Amana Living. This is run under an innovative program of
residential care in people's homes.
Services provided in Tjuntjuntjara include:
Domestic assistance
Personal care
Social support
Aged care assessments
Client care coordination
Allied health (clinic)
Nursing (clinic)
Nursing (home)
Centre-based day care
Meals at home
Carer counselling, support information and advocacy
Home maintenance
Sadly our new Aged Care Centre burnt after a server room fault in August this year, and we are currently operating out of temporary facilities. We were fortunate to have just moved onto our new clinic and we are planning to convert the old clinic into an Aged Care Centre, with kitchen office, laundry and showers, etc.
Strategic goals for the CHSP program are included in Spinifex Health Service's annual plan. The workforce training and development strategy includes training for management and community carers and is regularly reviewed. The National Job Creation Package (NJCP IEI) enables building capacity of community carer's to improve their autonomy, and also the capacity of clients to deliver self-care and participate in social support activities.
We are looking for experienced care workers interested in working in rewarding and unique roles here in Tjuntjuntjara.